Perfect for those chilly winter evenings
1: Knit two _huge_ socks
2: Wash in very hot water (in machine) to shrink them
3: (optional) Add anti-slip material
4: Ta-da! A super warm and durable pair of slippers!
Update 25.01.09: finally managed to upload a picture of an unfelted sock and a finished one for size comparison!
Helen G. favorited Warm Felted Slippers 20 May 13:16
You Will Need
Made By Eva posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Also- I've finally managed to upload a picture for comparison! No idea what the problem was the first time... ;)
(sorry - bad english...)
Pumpernickel Babe: Yes, it is important to use 100% wool yarn or they will not shrink properly.
And to all of you: Thanks!