Super cute urban art to warm the hearts in your town
Warm and cozy "yarn bomb" charted with a traditional snowflake pattern deployed to add holiday cheer in Sylvania Ohio. :)
Mistress Nora of Madness commented on Warm And Wintery Hitching Post Sweater Yarnbomb 28 Nov 22:26
Nancy! commented on Warm And Wintery Hitching Post Sweater Yarnbomb 24 Nov 20:27
Vicki -. published her project Warm And Wintery Hitching Post Sweater Yarnbomb 23 Nov 12:19
Vicki -. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Mistress Nora of Madness
Potterville, Michigan, US
33 projects
Bombs away. These are the best kind of bombs. keep crafting Vicki.

Shawinigan, Quebec, CA
64 projects
I have to try to yarn bomb something one day!! is it difficult to instal ?