Rockabilly Cardi
This started as a plain white cardigan, but I had so many white cardigans I decided to spice this one up by dying it red. No easy feat as it is a synthetic blend but I managed to get it a light reddish color. Because of the way the original sweater was cut, I needed to bind the side with the buttons, and instead of using a ribbon like the original sweater, I used a piece of red lace. When shopping for black buttons, I found these cute little scotty buttons and knew I had to have them. Once I got everything put together, I realized it was missing something, so using a soft wool rement I had laying aorund I made a peter pan collar. Pretty happy with my new cardigan. I might take it in a little with darts to make it more fitted but overall it's just what my wardrobe needed.
Morgan E. favorited Vlv Cardigan Refashion 15 Oct 14:06
PinkWeeds entered her project Vlv Cardigan Refashion to Vegan Cuts 13 Jul 20:00
Jane L. favorited Vlv Cardigan Refashion 10 Jun 03:34
Sarah W. favorited Vlv Cardigan Refashion 18 May 10:57
Nancy! commented on Vlv Cardigan Refashion 15 May 22:22
PinkWeeds published her project Vlv Cardigan Refashion 14 May 21:52
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