3 vests I made by drafting my own pattern, for each one I made, I tweaked the pattern slightly.
I made these vests in 2010-2011. I made this series of vests by drafting my own pattern, each time altering it slightly. I DO have a similar project to this, which is my "jeans into shorts and vest project."
The tan vest is reversible into a light pink vest as well, However, the signature ties for the vests ended up awkwardly short.
The next time I made a vest I made the green plaid one, it wasn't reversible, but it had long enough ties.
Finally, I am mostly proud of the denim one, because I figured out how to add the collar pieces.
The plaid and denim vests have backs that can be tied up, which I made after I made the tan one because for the tan I used two straps to connect the back that had buttons, and I didn't like it.
My Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/mcm3760
Mila S. favorited Various Vests 13 Mar 20:40
Amber C. favorited Various Vests 02 Oct 20:55
Florence B. favorited Various Vests 06 Sep 07:06
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Victorian Dreamer favorited Various Vests 19 Dec 17:16
Megan S. favorited Various Vests 04 Nov 05:27
Blaise P. added Various Vests to steampunk clothing 10 Aug 05:46
Vi F. favorited Various Vests 06 Apr 01:22
Tamara L. favorited Various Vests 27 Mar 04:15
harley r. favorited Various Vests 24 Feb 20:22
Rachel's Craft Channel posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!