Upcycled on one side, recycled on the other, awesome all together.
I wanted a new bag for the new semester and I'd been aching to use this incredible printed button-up t-shirt I found when I went to Ithaca's high school student film program two summers ago. I saw a variation of this pattern and knew I had to use it. I had leftover fabric from my Labyrinth swap messenger bag (the harlequin print) and curtains I had to shorten in my room (the mostly black fabric).
I changed the pattern to fit my needs and unfortunately didn't have enough of the shirt to make more than one of the four pieces. My love for reversible goods showed me the light (the harlequin fabric) and I nearly went with this awesome purple-with-green-polka-dots fabric. I'm sort of regretting it, but I do like how drastic the change is, from messy-all-over-the-place print to calm black&white.
I added the big button because I love my big buttons. They bring this awesome extra oomph to things. It buttons shuts, also.
I'm quite proud of this purse, mainly because the one it originated from had poor instructions and said it was impossible to sew the inner circle shut as a circle. Obviously, I disproved that.
Lillian H. favorited Upcycled Reversible Funky Print Bag 09 Aug 19:16
Alyssa R. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!