Upcycled bucket
This metal bucket was upcycled into a Texas Flag trash can
trish.draper1 favorited Upcycled Bucket 15 Dec 06:38
Mixed Kreations published her project Upcycled Bucket 29 Nov 20:39
Step 1
Supplies needed for this project. You can use white acrylic paint, but I used plaster paint because it sticks to about anything, so I used it as my base. If you use white acrylic, you will need to first wipe your bucket down with vinegar to help the paint stick better.
Step 2
First start off by painting your bucket white. I added two coats, letting each coat dry thoroughly.
Step 3
Draw a star on the side of your bucket, then using blue painters tape, tape off the star from the inside. Add some tape on each side of the star, marking off the blue part of the Texas flag.
Step 4
Add two coats of blue paint. Let each coat dry thoroughly.
Step 5
Gently peel off the blue tape.
Step 6
Now add two coats of red to the bottom half of the left over white part.
Step 7
Lightly brush on watered down antiquing gel.
Step 8
Lightly wipe off some of the antiquing gel. Till you get the desired color you want. Let dry thoroughly then apply a clear sealer for protection.
Step 9
I use mine as a trash can, but would make a pretty flower pot or storage container.