Underbust Pinafore Dress Tutorial
It's rated one scissor out of five, even though basic sewing machine knowledge is assumed. You're pretty much cutting out rectangles.
Key West Witch favorited Underbust Pinafore Dress 26 Jun 08:20
You Will Need
Step 5
These are the pieces you'll be needing. I've put the measurements of my pieces there as a guide for you to compare to.
You're going to 2x Underbust bands, mine are going to be about 9cm high but I'm folding them in half lengthways. OR, a quick way that i did was only cut one underbust band, but placed one of the short edges on the fold of the fabric. That way you sew less! I did the same for the skirt piece.
You'll also need two straps. Make the piece wide enough to be able to fold them in half.
Cut two of the skirt as well, for front + back.
Step 9
Right. Here's the fun bit! This is going to be hard to explain.
What you're going to do is pleat/gather your skirt onto your underbust band. I'm going to show you the lazy way to gather.
First of all I pin the far left edges together and the far right edges together. Find the exact centre of the underbust piece ((by folding it in half)) and mark. Do the same with the skirt piece. Pin these two centres together.
Step 16
Make sure you serge the seam between the skirt + the underbust panel down towards the hem. You've already topstitched it down, this just helps it sit better + makes it more comfortable.
This is the part where you put in a zipper. I havn't made a tute for that yet, so it'd be a good idea to consult a book or a website. I have a quick + easy way, which I'll link to later.
Here I go...
thx !