who knew doilies could make sweaters look cute!!
Mkay so I had just had this old boring hoodie and sweater laying around so I decided to make them look cooler by adding these doilies that I got at my work! It may not be everyone's taste but it super easy to do and makes it more unique! (Plus you could also use an old shirt that you don't wear but like the picture on it or go to a thrift store to find a cheap shirt with a pic you like)
Shelby W. added Turn Old Hoodies Or Sweaters Into Something New... to Sweaters 29 Jan 23:10
Mimi A. favorited Turn Old Hoodies Or Sweaters Into Something New... 11 Jan 13:11
You Will Need
Step 1
First all you need is a old sweater or hoodie or just one you wanna spruce up!
Step 2
Then you'll need a doily or really anything you wanna sew on your sweater. I choose a doily cause I like the different colors and shapes they come in!
Step 3
Just put the doily on the back of your sweater. Make sure its the right place you wanna it before sewing. After that take pins to pin the doily in place!
Step 4
After the doily is pinned in place, just start sewing around it. (I would sew it by had it takes longer but Io find it easier that way). I usually sew around the doily two or three times just to make sure its on there good. After your done sewing...you have completed your sweet need sweater!!!