WEDNESDAY - A Healthy Protein-Filled Salad to Boost your Mid-Week Energy Levels
Healthy, filling and virtuous, this salad is perfect whether winter or summer. With plenty of protein, it uses fresh tuna and anchovies as well as eggs, all balanced with green beans, potatoes, tomatoes and olives.
Colourful and vibrant, it is as beautiful to look at as delicious to eat.
GFAlchemist1 published her project Tuna Nicoise Salad 30 Mar 09:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Pre-boil your potatoes and cook your trimmed green beans with a sprinkle of salt added. Drain and set aside until ready to make the salad.
Step 2
Saute the beans and potatoes in a large skillet using a little olive oil, over a medium to high heat, turning occasionally until the potatoes are golden. Set aside.
Step 3
Gently pan-fry the tuna steaks whole with a little olive oil and seasoning over a medium to high heat for about 2 minutes each side (ensuring they are sealed by the heat), then remove from the pan and allow to rest for a few minutes.
Hard-boil your eggs in their shells for about 8 minutes, then plunge in cold water to cool.
Step 4
While the eggs are boiling put your halved cherry tomatoes, olives and parsley into a large salad bowl.
Add the cooked beans and potatoes.
Pour the olive oil and balsamic vinegar into the bowl and give a good grind of black pepper and a little sprinkle of sea salt to the mix.
Cut your cooked tuna into large cubes and add to the bowl. -
Step 5
Toss all the ingredients in the bowl well, to mix and coat with oil and balsamic vinegar.
Step 6
Arrange the fresh anchovy fillets on the top.
Peel the shells from the boiled eggs and cut in half (lengthways). Arrange on top of the salad.
Give an extra fresh grind of black pepper and serve.