I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.
For Earth Day and Arbor Day one of my 5 year old classes made some Truffula Trees. They're so easy to make and a lot of fun.
- mpanda favorited Truffula Trees 28 Jun 05:58
You Will Need
Step 1
Take two different colored pipe cleaners and twist together to make them spiral around each other tightly.
(use white or yellow and black if you want to be accurate to the book)
Step 2
Add a drop of glue to one end of the pipe cleaners. -
Step 3
Insert the glued tip into the pompom.
(use red, pink, orange, yellow, or purple to be accurate to the book)Let dry.
Step 4
Now you can display your Truffula Trees anyway you please!
Add to a display board, stick in a flower pot, or some clay, use as door decs.
Besure to add a quote from the book THE LORAX for added effect.
"I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues."
-THE LORAX by: Dr. Seuess