Turn Cards into a Tote
Please dont make and sell these for a profit. I made the pattern myself and the idea is origional (no one else has made them that I know of)
NOTE: you dont have to use pokemon cards, you can use yugio cards, playing cards, baseball cards, anything at all realy!
Miss_Fit favorited Trading Card Tote 08 Jul 03:15
sarah.hansen.20 favorited Trading Card Tote 25 Jun 14:28
KittyZilla added Trading Card Tote to want to do 26 Nov 19:36
KirbyBella added Trading Card Tote to Bags 03 Oct 07:45
Iris E. favorited Trading Card Tote 15 Aug 06:22
Dona Monstra favorited Trading Card Tote 15 Aug 05:27
Danielle T. favorited Trading Card Tote 25 Apr 15:35
angel.zoey favorited Trading Card Tote 01 Apr 13:49
marlene j. added Trading Card Tote to Tasker og punge 12 Jan 21:49
Candy Orange favorited Trading Card Tote 13 Dec 21:49
You Will Need
Step 1
First step is to find out how big you want your bag.
Mine is 3x4 cards on the front and back pannels, with 3 cards on each side panel. I dont sudjest making yours to large but you can make it bigger then mine. -
Step 2
Now, lay out your cards with the side you want visible down.
Place your cards for the first front panel down on an even flat surface and try to get them as lined up as you can.
Step 3
Next step is tricky. Its time to get out your clear packaging tape.
Start by taping the cards together row by row, then tape the colums. You should have it taped along the edge of each card now. Cover any non taped spots to make your bag water resistent. -
Step 4
Flip the sheet of cards over and cover the opisit side with tape as well.
Step 5
Step 6
Now, you should have a front panel and a back panel.
Time for the side panels.
Take the amount of cards your bag will be high (mine is 3 cards high) and use the above instructions to tape the cards into another panel, this panel should be slimmer then your front and back panels. Now make another side panel. -
Step 7
Now you should have 4 panels. Front, Back, and 2 side panels.
Step 8
Lay one of your large panels (front/back panels) on your work suface. Take and lay 3 cards along the bottom of the panel longways. This line of cards will probly be longer then your panel is. Thats okay.
Step 9
Tape these cards together. Lay them along the bottom of the large panel again. Cut the cards so there the same length as the large panel.
This new small panel will be your bottom
Step 10
Now you should have 5 panels.
Its time to assemble them!
Lay the panels infront of you wit the side you want to see when the bag is comlete facing upwards (the good side)
Step 11
Now place the 2 side panels on each side of the front panel.
Tape them to the front panel.
Step 12
Lay this new super panel down. Place the back panel next to ether side panel and tape them together. Now you should have one gaint rectangle. Fold this along the edges of the panels you taped together so it forms a 3-d rectangle. Tape the back panel to the other side panel and it should retain this shape
Step 13
Now take the bottom panel and tape it into place. It should form a box with an open lid. Take some tape and re-enforce the inside for extra strength.
Step 14
Finaly the handles or strap of the bag
You can use anything and just tape it to the bag. I used more tape. I just taped to peiced of tape together and taped them to the box. But you can get creative.
I used to straps for handles but using one strap on the side panels to make it into a messenger bag would be awsome to!GOOD LUCK!
tarot cards or playing cards would be sweet!!
cant wait to do this~!
Anyway! Good idea, love the bag. Hmm...but I might give this a go...
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