Time to organize
Recently I've had a great kid's party at home. It was lots of fun and lot's of toys were left on floor after the party..... I do have some bins to organize the toys but sometimes the needed toy (usually the smallest) is on a very bottom, well you've got the rest of the picture......:)
Well, today I found an old container for dog food. It is in a good shape - why not to use it?!
OK Here we go. The total length of the project is 5 minutes (assuming you have everything you need). You'll need any container on wheels. Some old jewelry organizers, any plastic packaging form bed sheets or toys will work just fine. Velcro strips. Cute picture to decorate, plastic sleeve to keep the picture in (that's optional). Any decor elements of your choice and that's it!
laurie b. favorited Toy Organizer 01 Oct 18:03
Rainbow Wyvern favorited Toy Organizer 03 Feb 18:56