Spread your toast with a shirt!
What insspired me? My love of toast. Ya know what's great about toast? It doesn't have to go with peanut butter. It can go with jam too. And butter. Also, in this case, shirts! It was a little tricky to sew it onto the shirt, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy. It doesn't take long either! What should you do on the next rainy day? Make some toast, and spread it with a shirt. :)
You Will Need
Step 2
Get some thick black thread, brown fabric, and a needle and place all items on a flat surface.

11 projects
i need a t-shirt xD hmmm maybe will do it with a tru blood shirt xD

11 projects
awww you are welcome i really loved it!!! and not only loved i will make a version ;)