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Unique Tile Coaster, Designed for YOU!
My project is a Tile Coaster set, made using Italian Travertine Tile, which was then embellished with Christmas paper with a bit of sparkle to it. The paper was attached to the tile and then sealed with Modge Podge. After 2 extra coats of MP, the tiles were left to dry for 2 days.

Once completely dry, I used a spray sealant to protect the coasters from moisture damage, and added felt tabs to the bottom so furniture won't be scratched or damaged. This particular set is a gift for my son and daughter in law, and I also sell my coasters at Craft Fairs and through my online store. I happily take custom orders.

Good luck to everyone - there is SO much talent out there, it's exciting to be even a wee part of it!!


Posted by MsBunky from Calgary, Alberta, Canada • Published

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