super easy thumb tack earrings
I saw on Sunday Morning this story about a guy who made portraits out of thumb tacks and this lady that made artwork out of map tacks... I found this soooo cool and thought to make something no one else had made out of tacks. So far, I dont know anyone else that has made these. Please tell me differently if someone has! I dont want to seem like I am stealing their idea :P Anyways.. sorry for the blurry bad pics and almost no pics for the how to. Hope this still helps :P
- Awoken Cello entered her project Thumb Tack Earings to BeadCrafty Contest 22 Dec 21:11
- Awoken Cello entered her project Thumb Tack Earings to Beads Unlimited Contest 25 Nov 20:05
- Awoken Cello entered her project Thumb Tack Earings to The Ultimate DIY Competition 19 Aug 15:50
You Will Need
Step 1
Get your thumb tack and bend over the little metal part with the pliers till it looks like a little loop.
Step 2
Get one of the jump rings and put it through the little loop you made on the tack.
Once you got one through you can add as many jump rings you want on to the end of it (depending on how much you want them to dangle. I only added two to each one and they are the perfect length for me.)
CO + K User