a tongue-in-cheek solution to the common Christmas sweater!
I had had an ugly mustard yellow sweater is sitting in my closet for over a year (only being worn sometimes). When an ugly sweater contest came up at work I knew I had to alter it for it. Whenever I came up with the idea to actually cross stitch the word ugly into it I knew I had a winner!
This was my first time cross stitching anything so I'm glad I did it in large text. I was going to post the alphabet that I used as reference but I cannot find the original site and don't know if its copyrighted. Thanks for looking!
Eleanor favorited The Ugly Sweater 27 Dec 01:08
Lee Rose published her project The Ugly Sweater 20 Dec 23:56
Asherah Arts (formerly Lee Rose) posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!