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Material World
The beauty of this project is that you can make your bow as small (and classy) or as oversized (and statement-y) as you like (or as the occasion demands).

It’s only folding and stitching.

Pour yourself a glass of wine and retreat to your craft table for a couple of hours.

Posted by Ebury Publishing Published See Ebury Publishing's 80 projects » © 2025 Perri Lewis / Ebury Press · Reproduced with permission. · Material World by Perri Lewis (Virgin Books, £18.99)
  • Step 1

    STEP 1
    To start, cut two rectangles of sinamay, one larger than the other. Their size depends on how big you want your final hat to be; to make a statement bow, I used a piece that was 60cm by 18cm and another that was 50cm by 16cm. If you’re not sure what size will suit you best, follow steps 1–4 using newspaper first, then when you are happy with the size, make it in sinamay.

    STEP 2 To neaten the edges of your sinamay rectangles, fold each edge over 1cm (1⁄2in), then one 1cm (1⁄2in) again, and iron in place.

    STEP 3 Now turn each rectangle into a bow. To do this, fold both short edges into the middle, so they overlap slightly, then hold these in place with a few tacking stitches using a thread that is the same colour. You can already see the bow taking shape, right? Now do the same for the second rectangle.

    STEP 4 To assemble your hat, lay the smaller rectangle on top of the larger one. Gather both pieces of sinamay in the middle to turn the pieces into bows. This might take a few attempts to get it right, so fiddle with it until you’re happy. Stitch the two pieces together to secure (a bulldog clip or similar can come in handy here, to hold the bow shape in place while you sew).

    STEP 5 Wrap a strip of sinamay bias binding around the middle of the bows, to hide the messy stitches and give the bow its finishing touch. Stitch it in place. (A nice detail is to make a second, thinner piece of sinamay bias and wrap that around, too, to give the appearance of layers.)

    STEP 6
    And to finish, sew the whole thing to the middle of a sinamay hat base and add a fastener. If it’s a large bow, I suggest a hairband or piece of elastic rather than a comb, as it helps it stay on your head better.

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