The "Make Out" Sweater
Extract from The Chicks with Sticks Guide to Knitting: Learn to Knit with More Than 30 Cool, Easy Patterns • By Nancy Queen and Mary Ellen O'Connell • Published by Potter CraftAbout
o slip into this alluring little number
It's Saturday night, you have a date with your special guy... so slip into this alluring little number. It's so soft, so fluffy, so easy - he won't be able to resist!
Small (Medium, Large)
<b>Completed Chest Measurements</b>
0-32 (43-36, 38-40)"
10 sts and 26 rows to 4" over St st (K 1 row, P 1 row) on size 9 needles, or size needed to obtain gauge.
<b>Stitch Guide: Seed Stitch Pattern</b>
- Row 1: Knit 1, Purl 1. Repeat across row.
- Row 2: Purl the Knit stitches and Knit the Purl stitches.
- Repeat Row 2 until desired length.
Shantelle t. added The "Make Out" Sweater to something i'd like to try 02 Oct 06:22
Alecia B. favorited The "Make Out" Sweater 01 Aug 16:55
gloria z. favorited The "Make Out" Sweater 07 Nov 21:03
Step 1
Using size 9 straight needles, cast on 79 (89, 99) sts
1. Work in Seed Stitch Pattern for 4 rows.
2. Change to St st, work for 7 (8, 8)".
3. Begin sleeve shaping: Cast on 3 sts to tip of needle for next 4 rows. Then cast on 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
4. Continue working in St st until the piece measures 14 (16, 16)" from beg.
5. Bind off loosely. -
Step 2
<b>Front (left side)</b>
Using size 9 straight needles, cast on 39 (45, 51) sts
1. Work in Seed Stitch Pattern for 4 rows.
2. Change to St st, work for 9 rows.
3. Begin neck shaping as follows: Dec 1 st (K2tog), at neck edge every 2nd row 8 (5, 2) times. Then dec 1 st at neck edge every 4th row 12 (15 18) times. AT THE SAME TIME, when the piece measures 7 (8, 8)" from beg, start sleeve shaping.
4. Begin sleeve shaping as follows: Cast on 3 sts at sleeve edge 2 times. Then cast on 4 sts 1 time.
5. Continue working in St st until piece measures 14 (16, 16)" from beg.
6. Bind off loosely. -
Step 3
<b>Front (right side)</b>
Using size 9 straight needles, cast on 39 (45, 51) sts
1. Work in Seed Stitch Pattern for 4 rows.
2. Change to St st, work for 10 rows.
3. Begin neck shaping as follows: Dec 1 st at neck edge every 2nd row 8 (5, 2) times. Then dec 1 st at neck edge every 4th row 12 (15 18) times. AT THE SAME TIME, when piece measures 7 (8, 8)" from beg, start sleeve shaping.
4. Begin sleeve shaping as follows: Cast on 3 sts at sleeve edge 2 times. Then cast on 4 sts at each sleeve edge 1 time.
5. Continue working in St st until piece measures 14 (16, 16)" from beg.
6. Bind off loosely. -
Step 4
1. Sew shoulder seams together using horizontal-to-horizontal mattress st.
2. Sew side and sleeves seems using vertical-to-vertical mattress st.
3. Weave in all yarn ends. -
Step 5
<b>Front and Neck Band</b>
1. Using size 9 24" circular needles and beg at lower right, pick up approximately 173 (197, 205) sts, working up right front side, around back of neck, and down left front side. (You will be working back and forth as if you are working on straight needles).
2. Work in Seed Stitch Pattern for 5 rows.
3. Bind off loosely in st pattern. -
Step 6
<b>Sleeve Edge</b>
1. Using size 9 16" circular needles, pick up approximately 63 (73, 73) sts around armhole edge.
2. pm to indicate beg of round.
3. Work in Seed Stitch Pattern in the round for 5 rounds.
4. Bind off loosely in st pattern.<i>Images and text copyright (c) taken from Chicks with Sticks Guide to to Knitting by Nancy Queen & Mary Ellen O'Connell, published by Watson-Guptill, RRP £10.99, available from <a href="http://www.thegmcgroup.com/ccp51/cgi-bin/cp-app.pl">www.thegmcgroup.com</a> or by calling 01273 488005</i>