My first ever How-to!! XD
I was the mad hatter for Halloween this year and I only had $10 dollar budget. The coat I got when I was 14 from a thrift store because I was the Fiddler in a play. The blouse and vest were my mother's from college and the skirt is an old broomstick with a petticoat underneath. The only things I actually had to buy was the petticoat and the black hose. (I made the top hat using directions I found here, Can't remember who posted it though!) Please enjoy! XD
lange.hannalea favorited The Mad Hattress 26 Feb 13:42
Len favorited The Mad Hattress 22 Nov 22:53
Phoebe C. entered her project The Mad Hattress to Zombie Felties Contest 04 Nov 19:06
You Will Need
Step 1
First, the Top hat. As I said I used directions I found here, but I can't remember who posted them. I made it using a plastic cup and cardboard. It worked very well although it was a little bit heavy when I attached it to a head-band. I had to use bobby-pins to keep it up. I made the cards out of manila file folders and freehanded the design.
Step 5
Depending on the fabric you may have to hand sew. My jacket was tweed and barely fit into my sewing machine. You'll want to sew strait up the middle of your tail. This will ensure that the tassel is sewn down. Repeat on both tails.
(also depending on your fabric, the thread may show. Tweed is thick enough so you couldn't see the thread from the front.)
You now have tasseled tails!! XD
Step 6
Next, the torn bits. I didn't want to just sew them up because it might mess-up the structure. So I folded fabric and sandwiched it between the seams.
I matched my fabric to that of my top hat so I had some coordination.
To get the scrunched look, Cut a strip of fabric twice as wide and twice as long as your rip. Then gently fold and pin it between your seams. sew down. repeat this for all of the rips.