Let the Discworld look after your delicates!
I recently moved in my with boyfriend. After clearing out drawer and wardrobe space for him I made a worrying realisation - I had nowhere for my underwear!
Luckily I was reading 'The Light Fantastic', one of the Discworld books, at the time. In it is The Luggage, who holds Two Flower's pants as well as various eaten people. So I thought - what better way to keep my knickers safe from prying eyes?
No photos unfortunately, as I hadn't discovered this site when I made this :(
Jac D. favorited The Luggage Underwear Chest 08 Apr 01:06
Miss Monstro favorited The Luggage Underwear Chest 12 Jul 23:04
chelsie.kuskie added The Luggage Underwear Chest to crafts 22 May 13:42
cynthia.rodriguez.3532507 favorited The Luggage Underwear Chest 13 Apr 13:59
Miss_Fit added The Luggage Underwear Chest to Stands 29 Mar 03:53
Birgit favorited The Luggage Underwear Chest 09 Sep 18:57
Len favorited The Luggage Underwear Chest 18 Aug 02:12
Sara-Mischief N. favorited The Luggage Underwear Chest 10 Aug 03:12
You Will Need
Step 1
Find yourself a box, and two lids for it.
As I need a fair bit of room, I used an A3 box which my work got paper for the photocopiers in. Try your local school (I worked in a school print room at the time) or your office.
Otherwise, just find any box with two fitting lids, or make your own to your prefered size. I would love to see some small ones - they'd be great gift boxes or jewellery boxes!
While you're card grabbing, get yourself a fair bit of spare card. I used a third box lid. -
Step 2
Take your box body and paint it up to look like a wooden chest. I used matt wallpaper paint for hardiness, but poster paint would probably work fine. A white undercoat gives the best coverage.
My Luggage is red, 'cos that's how I've always pictured it. The black lines are drawn on with a Sharpie to give it a wood panelling effect. I also added detail with silver duct tape (added bonus - extra strength!). -
Step 3
Grab your first lid.
See the picture? Cut out some curves like the red line, but keep them attached (cut out the middle bit though, the hour glass shaped bit). Pop them upright, then curve some card over the top to make a lid. It's tricky to keep in place, so lots of internal tape is needed here! -
Step 5
Grab your second lid. Cut the edges to look like jagged teeth (I wanted a scary Luggage). As an additional extra, cut a flap in the lid along the red lines. This means you will create an extra space in the lid. I haven't found a good way to keep it closed though, so suggestions in the comments (currently mine is taped shut when I don't need to access it).
Remember to leave an inch wide lip around the flap! -
Step 6
Glue lid one onto lid two (you'll cover about half way down the teeth, but that lip you cut will mean it still sits nicely on the body). The flap will give you access, and you can still put it back on the body to keep whatever is inside safe.
The flappy bit is optional. If you don't need it, I would still use two lids, but don't bother cutting a hole in the bottom one.
Step 7
And voila! Fill it with whatever and put the lid on. Those scary teeth should deter thieves.
I'd love to put the hundreds of little legs on, but can't think of a way it would look good. Maybe a painted strip around the bottom? Hmm...
Suggestions welcome!I want to make an army, from my A3 size General, to some A4 Soldiers and maybe even some ring boxed size attack dogs. That would be cool...
Step 8
Just in case you were wondering (you know you were) this is how I managed to fit all my underwear in. (Yes I got bored of handwriting on MS Paint for this bit).
I got some draw dividers from IKEA, and stacked them in the body as shown for my knickers, bras, slipper socks and tights. It's amazing how much fits in there! Then my copious amount of socks (seriously - I have loads of socks even though I rarely wear them!) are balled up in the lid.
The Luggage sits next to our chest of drawers and everyone loves him :)
such a great addition to the book