? once you washed the cat food bag before making the final bag, do you have an issue with the cat food smell? I made one of these a few years back it was super cute and i used two different cf bags for the material. I was out and about the thing started smelling like the cat food that came in it.
Your cat food bag looks great, Scarlet! I have been given dog food bags, cat food bags, bird seed bags, and I'm waiting on a horse feed bag....these totes have really taken off at the 911 center where I work.
I said I would make all future bags on the machine but the truth is, every single bag has been hand stitched. Once I started using a creaser to mark the template pieces and using a sharper embroidery needle to sew through the bag, it hasn't been rough on my hands at all. I now make them with liners and they have become very popular at work. Thanks everyone who put my project on your favorites list!