recycling and creating art with ties
This is a technique I used for my final major project at college which was based on Post Apocalyptic worlds.
It involves knotting ties together to create a an interesting aesthetic.
I experimented with Macramé previously, and this was a simpler version of that technique.
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited The Art Of Knotting 19 Jul 01:56
Lisa Dawn Perry added The Art Of Knotting to Jewelry 19 Jun 15:40
Lisa Dawn Perry favorited The Art Of Knotting 19 Jun 15:40
HerNameIsAlixx published her project The Art Of Knotting 13 Apr 05:57
You Will Need
Step 1
Lie the 8 ties on the floor in the order you like.
Start by knotting together the 4 pairs.
Step 2
Now alternate the knotting so that all the ties are connected together.
Repeat the process until the ties are too short to use.
Step 3
This can now be used as anything you wish, from embellishments on clothing to framed artwork on the wall.