Based on Temporary Tattoo Domino Pendant by Wendy H.
Very simple to make. I chose not to drill into the dominoes even though I have tried it as well. I made three necklaces, 2 pins and 1 hair clip.. Note: make sure that the pin mechanics work because one of them didn't work or was glued in the process. Not too sure.
I have been at this the last few days. The time is just a guess. I have about 30 dominoes or so finished and waiting to be turned into something at the moment. These are just a few of them :D
- 296386_10150772732440370_692290369_20579481_4442720_n.jpg 26.8 KB [ Download ]
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Penny F. replied to a comment on her project Temporary Tattoo Domino Pendant 16 Feb 17:50
You Will Need
Penny F. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Penny F.
North Bay, Ontario, CA
19 projects
@drummrgrl! Sorry it took so long for me to reply! I used these flat charms that said dreams, filed one side and super glued it to the domino.. I have since bought a tool to drill holes in them but haven't made any since these ones. My boyfriend got tired of going to the washroom and there would be all these dominoes all over the place waiting to dry. I also ended up putting a sealant overtop to help protect it longer!

if u didnt drill them how did you attach the string and stuff?? (srry im not good at technical words)

Penny F.
North Bay, Ontario, CA
19 projects
I wrote it above back when we couldn't reply to particular comments... It was pretty simple to do really... I still have not drilled any as of yet..