Tdu Teddy
Extract from Aranzi Aronzo Fun Dolls (Let's Make Cute Stuff) • By Aranzi Aronzo • Published by OtherAbout
Teddy Meet's WoW
The Pattern is From Aranzi Aronzo's "Fun Dolls" the Towel Doll pattern is the one I used and since felt is 25 cents a sheet it was what I used.
It took me about 4 hours to make since I am not good at cutting things out yet and it was a learning experience for me. The Tabbard is based off of my guild on WoW's Tabbard. The belt is just a friendship bracelete I made I will probably put up a how to for it later.
© 2025 Aranzi Aronzo / Other · Reproduced with permission.
Annakitsune posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
And YAY for WoW ;D