Organize your tangled jewelry.
I stole this image from the interweb, but this is an example of what my jewelry looked like before.
It always took me FOREVER to get what I wanted from the jewelry pile. And if I could get a necklace untangled, I wouldn't be able to find the matching earrings, or even a pair of matching earrings. I've tried hanging them, putting them in compartments, etc. But it seemed like any time my necklace chains came in contact with each other, it resulted in a mess.
Last night I untangled all my jewelry...
Oh, and reorganized my storage bins in the bathroom. It's a mess.
GothicYolita favorited Tangled Jewelry Solution 21 Jun 15:02
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anon a.
just curious would a website based on this concept but the untangling side and split up then given back work? because i wouldn't go rolling up someones jewelery if they have hangers for it but if you like my idea and know someone that does hate tangled jewelery with a passion it relaxes me ^_^ so umm yea i'm currently only looking for a bit of extra cash in my pocket but its still cheap as