Swiss Roll
Extract from The Pink Whisk Guide to Cake Making • By Ruth Clemens • Published by David & CharlesAbout
The Pink Whisk Guide to Cake Making
OVEN 160°C (FAN)/180°C/350°F/GAS MARK 4
I don’t think you can beat the taste of a freshly made Swiss Roll. Believe me, they are a cinch to make and nothing to be afraid of. There’s no fat added in the form of butter, so if kept a Swiss Roll will stale quickly – not much chance of that in my house! Don’t let the lack of a Swiss Roll tin put you off – baking or roasting trays are often just the right size.
Tip Greasing the tin before lining with paper will help stick and mould the paper to the tin – otherwise it’ll keep jumping out at you!
Key West Witch favorited Swiss Roll 26 Jun 22:04
Alecia B. favorited Swiss Roll 06 Oct 11:43
Shantelle t. added Swiss Roll to food!! 08 Dec 13:29
Munnazah C. added Swiss Roll to Fun and great foods! 09 Nov 18:03
Munnazah C. favorited Swiss Roll 09 Nov 18:03
katie q. favorited Swiss Roll 09 Sep 11:19
abigail.kates favorited Swiss Roll 26 Jul 01:16
Laura T. favorited Swiss Roll 20 Jul 19:51
Michelle S. added Swiss Roll to Recipes To Try 16 Jul 22:46
Kaiulani W. favorited Swiss Roll 10 Jul 00:50
Step 1
Preheat the oven to 160°C (fan)/180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4.
Grease the tin and cut a piece of baking paper about 3cm (1¼ in) larger than the tin all the way around. Push the paper into the tin, smoothing out at the corners. -
Step 2
Place the eggs and the caster sugar in a large bowl. Air is the only raising agent in a Swiss Roll so get whisking! Don’t let the eggs and sugar sit in the bowl together for too long or else the sugar will draw moisture from the eggs and it will take much longer to whisk them up until thick and volumised.
Step 3
The eggs and sugar will start to go pale and thicken, but keep going: it can take up to 10 minutes to whisk in enough air. When the mixture is ready lift out the whisk, the mixture should trail away in a ribbon and stay visible on the top of the mixture. If it sinks straight back in and disappears it still needs more whisking.
Step 5
Fold the flour into the mixture using a spatula or metal spoon. Cut through the mixture and turn, lifting the mixture from the bottom of the bowl. Cut through any pockets of fl our as you find them. Gently is the way to do it to keep as much air in the mixture as possible.
Tip If the flour is just tipped in the weight of it will make it sink straight to the bottom in a clump and will be difficult to fold in.
Step 9
Remove the cake from the tray, still in its baking paper. Gently ease the lining paper away from each edge of the cake, then flip it over so that the top of the cake sits on top of the caster sugar covered sheet. Carefully peel away the paper from the base of the cake. It will still be warm so do be careful.
Step 10
Spread the cake with a good layer of jam. Using a sharp knife, cut a line going halfway through the depth of the cake about 2cm (¾in) from
the short end of the cake, all the way along. Fold this small section directly over onto the jam.Tip Rolling a Swiss Roll whilst warm is the best way to avoid it cracking excessively but that means you can’t fill it with cream as it would melt – see my chocolate, cream and strawberry version for tips on rolling a cold
Swiss Roll. -
Step 12
Once you reach the end turn the cake so that the seam sits underneath, transfer to a serving plate and try to fend off the hungry masses or you’ll just be left with a plate of crumbs!
Tip Because Swiss Rolls are so aerated they should be cut with a sharp serrated knife in a gentle sawing motion to avoid compressing the cake as it is cut.