Swirl Ring
This was my third ring and beginning attempts at wire I used 16 gauge silver wire, I took to 6 " lengths then wrapped the two with 24 gauge silver wire in the center of the two. I then wrapped around a large round dowel to shape and size the rings and then used a metal straw to start the coil swirl and completed the swirls with round nose pliers one the swirl was the size I wanted I flattened them with flat nosed pliers and shaped on Ring mandrel.
- 116488_2F2017-05-30-035042-IMG_0368.JPG 261 KB [ Download ]
- 116488_2F2017-05-30-035100-IMG_0366.JPG 71.4 KB [ Download ]
Cassidy B. published her project Swirly Ring 30 May 08:08
Cassidy B. posted this project as a creation without steps
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