Something sweet to get those taste buds going...
So I heard about this from a friend of mine. She used millions, and as much as I like millions I still decided to use pear drops instead.
It pretty much takes away most of the vile hair spray taste that you get from cheap nasty vodka (being a student that's all I can afford, cheap nasty vodka... Mmmmm).
Remember though, because you can't taste the alcohol that well you might drink a bit more than normal so be careful!! But still get drunk and have a fun time, just know your limit! I'm only saying this because I don't want to be responsible for someone projectile vomiting on their nan, or their pet alligator (if that is the case). I don't know.
Anywhoo, enjoy :) Try it with different sweets and chocolate (I've heard of people using mars bars), and why not try some fruit infused vodka (will have to be left for 2 weeks, plus).
(N.B: Pictures in steps 1-4 aren't mine)
Emo Chick favorited Sweetie Vodka 10 Jan 23:01
Zombie Babe favorited Sweetie Vodka 22 Sep 06:43
brittneydoll favorited Sweetie Vodka 18 Apr 20:29
Monkey_McGee favorited Sweetie Vodka 11 Oct 03:51
Lara favorited Sweetie Vodka 12 Aug 17:10
I did search for similar things before I posted the tutorial and didn't come across yours sorry!
I've a tute on Skittles Vodka...
Never thought of using choc tho!!
cheap nasty vodka with cheap sweet sweets!