Make a super glittery heart headband!
I made this project while I was in Omaha but totally forgot to post it. This is an awesome technique you can use to make any shape of headband but a heart one would be perfect for Valentine's Day!
- Laura added Sweetheart Headband to Headwear + Jewelry 12 Sep 16:10
- meg B. favorited Sweetheart Headband 25 Jun 22:56
- jessica.boulanger.10 favorited Sweetheart Headband 14 Jul 05:44
- terri.ferrariphippswojtowicz added Sweetheart Headband to cool craft ideas 13 Mar 23:50
- Emma H. favorited Sweetheart Headband 01 Feb 20:00
- AnnaMong favorited Sweetheart Headband 08 Jun 13:41
- CreativeGirl79 favorited Sweetheart Headband 18 Apr 01:47
- Advitha K. favorited Sweetheart Headband 10 Mar 08:27
- faith m. added Sweetheart Headband to HEADBANDS 14 Feb 04:22
- jo.walter05 favorited Sweetheart Headband 11 Feb 04:05
Amberlynn Reid
Kathmandu, Central Region, NP
67 projects
Wow!!! ive always tried to make these kind of headbands but failed every time i tried !! Thankx a lot!!!
Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
Let me know how you get on!