recycling never looked so tasty ^^
I came up with this idea (out of frustration) at work. My cloth sling bag had a hole in the bottom that at first I didn't notice but grew and eventually dumped out my stuff in the halls at work. A nurse came by with a plastic bag the hospital gives people. So during my break I was in the break room and saw someone about to toss out this box that some fruit snacks came in and thats when it hit!. During lunch, I grabbed a pair of scissors,tape, and a cord I got off a spare pair of short.Taped the bottom,punch holes in the sides and thread the cord through it. I helped hold my stuff and when I got home I ,untied the cord,covered the box with clear contact paper,reattached the cord and will borrow a friends sewing machine on the weekend and add the zipper from my bag.
Cheap,free and depending on size can hold a lot. ^^
Can be made with cereal boxes,fruit snack boxes,sweets/cookie boxes,any cute boxes you have ^^
Lisa G. posted this project as a creation without steps
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