Another result of boredom.
I saw these sweatshirts in pictures all over the internet and found out they cost way too much so I made one myself with fabric paint, yay.
- HantuPenanggal favorited Sweatshirt 21 Aug 06:13
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[TC]Squared posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
6 projects
What font did you use? Totally gonna try this, looks so good! X
34 projects
A bit of both. I lost my tailors chalk so I was trying to use a colored pencil to draw the lines in but I could barely see them >.<
Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, ZA
112 projects
Did you use a stencil/pattern? Or was this free-hand painting?
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
5 projects
must try :]
34 projects
Practice makes perfect c:
1 project
this is hysterical. i am from NJ and live in Canada now. have to say i miss the cheesy boardwalk waaaaaaaaaaay too much. i want one of these, but my ability with fabric pain is lacking.
34 projects
jafkls;we I love going to the Jersey boardwalks <3
Chelsea D.
9 projects
Nicee. I see these on the Jersey Boardwalks all the time.