Based on Sweater Leggings! by Jocelyn
loved these,had to make them!!
mine are light pink with some grey and white. soo cute.
dont have a very good picture as of now. but it was super easy,and would have been a lot easier with a sewing machine but i hand sewed mine. I just cute off some old pj pants i dont use anymore then cut of the arms and sewed the two together. i plan on makeing many more.
Millie H. added Sweater Leggings! to To-make for myself list 26 Mar 00:00
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Kaitlyn T. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Kaitlyn T.
Terre Haute, Indiana, US
6 projects
thank you! they are so warm

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
17 projects
they turned out great!!!