A simple bag made of synthetic leather, painted with swallows
Hi guys!!!
So this bag is the first thing I've ever sewn with a sewingmachine.And altough it isn't perfect, I'm proud of it, because I DID IT.
You all know the happiness after creating something?
At the moment it's like I would be swimming in happiness :D
Well, enough blah blah, I did this tutorial for showing you how I did it, maybe it helps someone who has no idea of sewing bags, or it entertains someone who has BIG sewing skills and thinks this bag is crappy :D Or it inspires someone to make one of these, too.
here we go:c
Rosie W. favorited Swallow Bag, It's The First Thing I've Ever Sewn 12 Aug 10:27
You Will Need
Step 1
Well, at first you'll need fabric.
I took a beige/brownish synthethic leather for the outside, and a beige taft lining fabric for the inside.
Also you'll need a press button, a sewing machine (but you could also hand-sew),sewing thread, of course, a leather band, a waterproof marker or better fabric paint, a selfmade swallow pattern (could also paint freehand)
and a pattern, I'll show how to make in the next step
Step 2
Actually, this simple bag can be made with any measures, but I'll show you how I did it.
You'll need 5 pieces: a front piece, a backpiece including the shutter, 2 sideparts and a basepart.
All right, start with the frontpiece. Therefore you'll need a piece of paper, DIN A4.
Fold it across the less side. Then unfold it and cut the line. Now you should have 2 similiar parts, one of these will be our frontpart! -
Step 3
After that cut a strip from the other part of the second piece of paper you got, as long as the longest side of the frontpart and 4 cm wide. This will be the basepart.
The two sideparts have to be 4 cm wide and as long as the less side of the frontthing.
At last you'll have to make the backpart. Just take another DIN A4 piece of paper and round the ends of the lesser side (will be prettier, because it will be the shutter.)
Pattern: DONE
Step 4
Draw everything onto your fabric, once onto the outsidefabric (which is syn. leather), and onto the taft lining fabric. Add a seam allowance of about 1-1,5 cm. And don't forget to draw it on the BACKSIDE of your fabric. Never draw on the pretty frontside!! It's easier if you pin the pattern on the fabric with fixing pins.
Step 5
Then cut all pieces out.
Now let's draw the swallows! I Just drew the sideparts and the backpart/shutter. Be free to paint whatever you want. (I would be pleased to see other designs!)
I printed out pictures of swallows and made a pattern out of it. Just cut them out and you'll have a pattern! Then lay it on your leather fabric and draw with a waterproof marker or with fabric paint. Remove the pattern carefully and let it dry.
I used blue and black markers.Optional you could use impregnation-spray to make it last.
Step 6
At first you'll have to sew the outside. Start with sewing the base part on the front and backpart. Therefore deposit the fabric on each other's pretty side and sew along the line. After that sew the sideparts, thats a bit tricky, but I'm sure you'll make it. (Because I did it, so it can't be as difficult as it seems)
Pretty side onto pretty side again, sew along the lines. (sidething must be sewn to the frontpart, the backpart and to the basepart)Now it almost LOOKS like a bag ;-)
don't forget to neaten the seams.
Step 7
Sew the lining fabric just as well, and then you'll have to sew the 2 pieces (outsideleather and inside lining fabric) together. Turn the pieces, so that the pretty sides are on the inside.
Then pin the two shatters together so that the pretty sides lay on each other. sew the shutters together.Then sew the frontpart of the lining fabric on the frontpart of the leather. Be sure to leave the sideparts open, because now you'll have to squeeze the leather through that hole.
Now sew the open sides together, sew the leather band on the sides, and sew the press buttons on. Also sew along the shutter, that will look nicer, cause so the lining fabric cannot be seen from the outside.
You're DONE!!!!
Hope you enjoyed, hope you understood everything.
ps. how much did that fabric cost u n wa shop?
Great job!