How to really surprise someone!
It was my Dad's birthday over a week ago, so we bought him a nice gift - 2 tickets to Smokie & Simphony Orchestra concert. I remember that Dad and Mom once went to a Smokie concert and they really enjoyed it. It happened that we were able to buy him tickets this year again! Yay! :)
Here's how I wrapped the present using only 1 sheet of A4 scrapbook paper, some ribbon, tape and 2 chocolates. :)
Actually, this idea belongs to my sister, but I did the wrapping. :)
This project is from my blog,found here: http://aneniine.blogspot.com/2012/11/gift-for-my-dad.html
Here's our Dad's reaction: http://aneniine.blogspot.com/2012/11/dads-reaction.html
betty.cramer3 favorited Surprise Gift 27 Dec 08:16
aneniine entered their project Surprise Gift to Secret Santa 04 Dec 14:41
Samantha G. favorited Surprise Gift 02 Dec 06:42
rachel d. favorited Surprise Gift 20 Nov 04:28
- Monika Gottindottir favorited Surprise Gift 19 Nov 15:38