Great for holding sewing supplies, headphones, spare change and more!
Linakins favorited Super Simple Fabric Covered Storage 19 Sep 20:59
nina.eriksen.90834 added Super Simple Fabric Covered Storage to To-make 16 Sep 15:02
dippydiscoball added Super Simple Fabric Covered Storage to To-make list 05 Sep 18:44
Alissa B. favorited Super Simple Fabric Covered Storage 05 Sep 16:30
Juli T. published her project Super Simple Fabric Covered Storage 30 Mar 17:12
You Will Need
Step 2
Apply a layer of mod podge on the top of the tin with a paint brush and carefully place down your fabric. Make sure you've placed it correctly and smoothed out any air bubbles!
Step 3
Mod podge the sides and press them smooth as well. Repeat this on the inside corners if you still have excess fabric.
Step 4
Once those things dry, you can put another coat of mod podge on the outside to make the fabric less likely to come up after time.