It's me! Mario!!!
This is very random. I wanted a video game necklace so... I superglued a classic that I never played to a thingy and strung it on a chain..!
Chloe V. favorited Super Mario Ds Necklace 21 Nov 10:50
OshawottPrincess posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Charles Lee Ray
18 projects
I'm deffinately going to make this. I have literally 2 dozen old ds games I no longer play with! Maybe I'll make a charm bracelet out of all of them... any way, thanks for sharing!

Basingstoke, England, GB
61 projects
umm... is that a real game?

Alison W.
Summerfield, Florida, US
3 projects
How do you not play super mario bros?! and cute idea

Gualter S.
2 projects
I would never to this to an original game, but it looks amazing. I want one!

Bat Ma'am
Seattle, Washington, US
13 projects
What a rad idea!! I gotta try this, I don't wanna use my games LOL, I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled at yard sales for sure!