Based on Stylish Wiener Dog Drag Bag by Recycled Miracles
Poor little Slinky is in trouble now. I plan on making him a whole new stylish collection of drag bags. They will all be made form 100% cotton t-shirts and have leather on the bottoms to protect his butt and hind legs. LOL if you cannot have fun dressing up your paralyzed wiener dog, then you have no funny bone :-)
If you are interesting in making one for your little friend please check out my detailed instructions at Paralyzed Dog Detailed Drag Bag Instructions.
Rachael M. favorited Stylish Wiener Dog Drag Bag 02 Feb 10:52
You Will Need
Recycled Miracles posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Now I see this awesome version. and the animal lover in me wondering how is he going! and no.. it's not pity it's just... He's so cute and precious!! and I lost my dog a few months ago... And I think it just ... I care too much for animals LOL
I hope then you,your family and your dog are well!
Have a nice day! ^_^ (sorry for the bad English! lol )