Who doesn't love stripes?
I made this set for going out with some girlfriends a few months ago~
I bought this awesome black, red, and white stripe fabric at Hobby Lobby and made a skirt, headbow, and bag from it. I love it all came out! Well, I'm a little less then thrilled over the bag, I didn't have enough stiff interfacing for it so I just used some lightweight stuff :/ Ah well!
Gisela B. added Stripey Skirt Set to Clothing 29 Aug 02:54
Gisela B. favorited Stripey Skirt Set 29 Aug 02:54
z0mbie_queen favorited Stripey Skirt Set 29 May 16:32
Jessica posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
I love it :]!
&I love both completed outfits.