Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie
Extract from Superfood Smoothies • By Julie Morris • Published by SterlingAbout
Superfood Smoothies
Sometimes when I make tea at night, I’ll make an extra cup or two and toss it
in the refrigerator, saving it for a morning smoothie. The slightly sweet and
floral flavor of chamomile is a gorgeous match for bright, juicy strawberries.
Makes 2 16-ounce servings
Mad Hatter8976 favorited Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie 27 Feb 01:23
Lishieesaur favorited Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie 27 Sep 18:22
Samantha added Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie to smoothies 31 Aug 18:30
signe P. added Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie to smoothies 07 Jul 12:23
Emma H. favorited Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie 04 May 00:58
ale_corason favorited Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie 29 Apr 07:47
Kay B. favorited Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie 26 Apr 18:46
GMC Group published her project Strawberry Chamomile Smoothie 20 Feb 12:15
Step 1
Blend the strawberries, mulberries, tea, and lemon juice together until smooth. Stop the blender, taste, and add desired sweetener if needed. Add the chia seeds, and give the blender a second quick whirl, just to mix the ingredients. (Incorporating the chia seeds at the end allows the smoothie to retain a smoother texture.)
Superfood Boost
Add 1/2 teaspoon of camu berry powder for a vitamin C boost.