Uncommon Cards
Create a starburst card, using a cupcake wrapper and thread.
karen b. added Stitched Starburst to papercrafts 04 Nov 16:38
Step 1
Hold the card open and flat, face up.
Step 2
Use your fingers to press open the pleats of the cupcake wrapper on a hard surface.
Step 3
Center the cupcake wrapper in the center of the card front.
Step 4
Holding the wrapper as flat as possible, sew straight stitches, using orange thread, from near the outside edge of the wrapper and across the center, ending near the outside of the edge on the other side.
Step 5
Starting at the center of the wrapper, rotate the card and stitch 90 degrees from the first line, ending at the outer edge. Rotate the card and start again in the center, continuing the previous line 90 degrees from the first line, ending at the edge of the wrapper.
Step 6
Repeat stitching from one end of the wrapper to the other end, sewing through the middle of the quarters and again through the middle of the eighths, so there are stitched lines resembling the hours of a clock.
Step 7
Change the thread color to green and stitch straight lines between each of the orange lines, starting outside of the edge of the wrapper and ending outside at the end.
Step 8
Trim the ends of any loose threads on the front and inside of the card.