Sticky Ginger Cake With A Clementine Glaze
Extract from How to Hygge • By Signe Johansen • Published by Bluebird BooksAbout
How to Hygge
Always a favourite during the yule season, I baked this on Kirstie Allsopp’s Handmade Christmas TV programme and it was so popular I decided to include the recipe here. I’m not wild about sickly sweet marzipan or tooth- busting sugar icing on traditional British Christ- mas cakes, so this is my Nordic alternative —festive colours, flavours and just the right amount of sweetness to feel celebratory ...
Serves 8–10
Crafterella featured Sticky Ginger Cake With A Clementine Glaze 05 Jun 23:00
Kimya J. favorited Sticky Ginger Cake With A Clementine Glaze 04 Jun 02:29
Bluebird Books published her project Sticky Ginger Cake With A Clementine Glaze 24 May 09:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Preheat the oven to 170 ̊C/gas mark 3 and lightly grease a 900g loaf tin.
Step 2
Melt the butter, sugar and treacle in a medium saucepan, stir through and remove from the heat. Cool slightly then add the buttermilk and eggs.
Step 3
Sieve the ours, raising agents, spices and salt into a medium bowl. Add to the liquid ingredients in the pan in stages, stirring thoroughly a er each addition until evenly mixed. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf tin and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 45 minutes, then cover with aluminium foil to prevent the top from scorching. Bake for a further 10–15 minutes or until the loaf has risen and feels rm to the touch. If in doubt, insert a metal skewer into the centre and if it comes out clean the cake is done.
Step 4
Place the cake on a wire rack and allow to cool for a few minutes before turning it out and piercing the top in several places. Make a clementine glaze by mixing together the icing sugar, clementine zest and juice, and lemon juice until you have a sticky icing. It shouldn’t be too runny or the glaze will just pour right o the cake. Drizzle the glaze over the ginger cake and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and pistachios to decorate.