This one I made for my sister for xmas...fairly easy if you've got a good handle on what you're doing!! <3
I'm taking a jewellery program in college. I made this for my sisters pinky finger, the picture quality is AWFUL so you can't even see the designs i've put on the metals surface, but there's little nicks to make it look like rain :)
Nora E. added Sterling Silver Band Ring to Projects to try 05 Apr 16:39
Step 1
coat metal in flux and anneal until metal is a dull red
quench and pickle -
Step 2
bend silver into a soft d making sure your ends meet up making a perfect seam
dip into boric acid and burn off the isopropyl
coat the seam in flux and line up 2 or 3 small pieces of medium silver solder
Step 3
take your soldering torch and move it around the ring heating up the bottom and directing the heat into the ring (bottom of the seam)
when the flux is liquid and clear, direct the flame over the solder -
Step 4
once the solder flows, hold the flame on the seam and under the seam so as to bring it in to fill the entire seam
wait until it is cool
then pickle to remove flux and oxides -
Step 5
Round your ring on a ring mandrel with a raw hide mallet.
make sure you check from the bottom edge what the size is and always do an even number of hits on either side (turn the ring around equal amounts of time!) -
Step 6
now you've got a ring!
you can file it into a rounded shape and polish, or use something neat to make a texture.
I love radial disks for making lovely textures so you don't need to polish!! Sand blasting is also quite funYou could even use a normal hammer instead of a rawhide mallet and get a really interesting texture from the hammer!