Steampunkery in reliable brands :D
So these used to be silly pink and black converse... And seeing as I'm not a very girly girl I decided to go all out on them... Try my best, you know.
They turned out a hell of alot better then I'd ever have imagined and I've had loooads of compliments on them :D
Madalein S. favorited Steampunk Chucks 12 May 21:04
Hemophobic Vampire favorited Steampunk Chucks 19 Jun 03:48
Jordyn N. added Steampunk Chucks to Shoes 13 Apr 15:56
Jessica N. favorited Steampunk Chucks 21 Mar 02:12
Bela-chan favorited Steampunk Chucks 19 Mar 22:30
FrankieStein favorited Steampunk Chucks 28 Oct 21:34
Claire M. favorited Steampunk Chucks 21 Sep 22:09
Zombie Babe favorited Steampunk Chucks 17 Jul 00:19
kelly.koopman added Steampunk Chucks to clothes 14 Apr 20:50
Sam A. added Steampunk Chucks to Summer fashion to-make 03 Jan 03:40
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choco s.
Christchurch, Canterbury, NZ
21 projects
how to pretty please?


Stoopid Sally
Rochester, New York, US
did u take the tongue all the way out?

Calla K.
Austin, Texas, US
3 projects
Awesome. Love the chain laces xD

Austin, Texas, US
45 projects
did the gold part used to be hot pink? I have those but I like these a lot more! I've got a few questions,