Steampunk Earrings from White Out Tape gears
At my work, we have the knock-off version of white out tape. The stuff breaks constantly and there really isn't a way to fix them. After one incident where we had to throw out three at once, I realized that the little gears in them would be perfect for earrings!
2-4 Gears (I got mine from the guts of white out tape)
Sanding block/paper
Hot Glue Gun
Paint brushes
Rub N Buff in your chosen colors
Earring hooks/studs
Sealant (Optional)
Heather H. favorited Steam Punk Earings 26 May 00:49
Kristina S. added Steam Punk Earings to Jewelry 21 Feb 02:11
MagicalCathyForever favorited Steam Punk Earings 23 Oct 02:42
Shantelle t. added Steam Punk Earings to something i'd like to try 02 Oct 00:19
AlwaysForeverDreamer favorited Steam Punk Earings 02 Jul 02:25
Grimgirl101 favorited Steam Punk Earings 20 Jun 23:50
Sissi favorited Steam Punk Earings 31 May 20:05
Kenny the kitty favorited Steam Punk Earings 23 Mar 01:52
Kerri S. favorited Steam Punk Earings 02 Mar 03:10
Hikikomori H. favorited Steam Punk Earings 08 Oct 08:05
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Chatham, England, GB
32 projects
I love what you made them out of - really innovative!