fabrics are all leftovers from projects
Trying to make my scrap fabric pile smaller. These fabrics are all leftovers from projects. They have clear vinyl pockets on the front and 6 inch zippers, the liners are all black except for the shoe print that is leopard. What will I do with them who knows ?
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mars f. posted this project as a creation without steps
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
i have been planning on making my own coin purse with an ID slot in it similar to this one for myself, but i don't know where to get the plastic for the id slot. do they sell it at craft stores or did you recycle it from other wallets or something? i guess i could use the plastic from a work/school id tag (the ones you clip to your shirt) but i don't even know where you would buy one of them except for a college campus.

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
2 projects
My suggestion is sell them for clubbing purses. They have the perfect slot for ID and then lipstick, money, credit card. They are sooooo cool!!! I know I'd buy one (can't sew at all). At least they look big enough for that, maybe I'm wrong.

28 projects
This is a cute idea! You could swap them or gift them!

Naomi T.
Mississauga, Ontario, CA
These are so adorable. I keep making little bags too but not with zippers-you are so clever. I use them for of course tampons, phone, ipod cozies, cash, library card, jewelry bags, lipstick holders, spare underwear !!, sachets with pot pourri in them, condoms, post it notes, batteries, inspirational cards to yourself or anyone else, travel size necessities, take along crafts in them-or even better fill them up with "surprise" take along crafts-you know when you want to do something but don't have a lot of time or inclination?, worry beads,