A lovely, sparkly bracelet to go with that LBD.
Peyote bezels are linked together with beads and crystals to create this lovely bracelet.
Chudames favorited Starry Eyes Bracelet 12 May 21:59
Step 11
Repeat from ***** to ****** until the strap is half the length you need it, finishing with 1C on the end.
Step 13
Attach a new length of thread to the rivoli at the other end of the bracelet and repeat steps 10 - 12 but add a loop to the end as follows. Pick up 7A and go through the 1C and following 4A. Then pick up enough beads to form a loop that will go over the C bead at the other end of the bracelet. Go through the same A bead of the 7A as before and retrace the thread path to strengthen it then work back along the length of the strap adding 1A in between each set of 5A as before. Finish off the thread ends.