Simple Necklace made with old beads
I used this project before I went on vacation so I used it as a lugage tag aswell so I could spot my suit case easily.
It was free for me because I found everything in my house.
Step 1
First you want to pick out beads, any color, you want to make sure they are the cheap plasticy kind... I had some old ones from when i was younger.
Step 2
You want to take the beads and place them in a cookie cutter and place a metal bead, or something that wont melt so you have a hole to put your string in, on tinfoil in the oven. Dont make the oven to hot and watch it! It took like 10 minutes for min on 430 degrees.
Step 3
When its done take it out of the oven, and be careful I burnt my thumb!
Let it sit for like 5 minutes to cool.
Step 4
Remove from the Cookie Cutter, and remove any rough edges... make sure the metal bead is still through all the way.
Step 5
For mine I used tinfoil and cut out a star to glue on the front of my star (this really helps cover up any mistakes or burnt spots, or tin foil that gets stuck)
Step 6
Glue this on and your done!... oh wait thrrad your string through the hole... then your done!