Stamp an adorable dress!
Becky favorited Stamped Scalloped Dress 17 May 11:26
Rebecca favorited Stamped Scalloped Dress 15 May 06:23
CraftyCat added Stamped Scalloped Dress to Crafts 02 Jun 04:10
CraftyCat favorited Stamped Scalloped Dress 02 Jun 04:09
RareJewel favorited Stamped Scalloped Dress 07 May 10:36
Allyne favorited Stamped Scalloped Dress 04 May 13:28
Kellyton K. favorited Stamped Scalloped Dress 18 Mar 15:01
Lacquered Lawyer added Stamped Scalloped Dress to Mermaid 12 Mar 23:45
Alecia B. favorited Stamped Scalloped Dress 01 Jul 06:28
Stephanie F. favorited Stamped Scalloped Dress 21 Jan 02:04
Step 1
1. With the compass, draw a half-circle onto your foam. You want it to be about the same width as the wooden block. 2. Using the half-circle as your guide, sketch in the rest of your scallop with pencil, and then cut it out. 3. Glue the piece of foam to the wooden block, making sure that the ends of the scallop are even with the top. (It's okay if the bottom of the scallop doesn't quite reach the bottom of the block :)
Step 2
4. Make sure you have cardboard or something under your dress so the paint won't seep through to the back side! Then put a thin layer of fabric paint on your stamp using a paintbrush. 5. Starting at the top of the dress, stamp your first scallop. Then repeat the pattern underneath, with the next two scallops meeting in the middle of the one above. 6. For each new row, mix a little bit of white fabric paint with your other color to achieve the gradient look. This was an important part of my project because I knew that I didn't want to stamp the skirt (the gathering at the waist would have just been way too tricky to maneuver!) so I wanted it to fade to white before it hit the skirt. 7. Let your dress dry for a few hours (I let mine dry for 24 hours before I wore it, although it felt dry much sooner) and voila! You now have a brand new dress that would make any mermaid proud! :)