Dignified green squid plushie
The squid's the first plush I designed and made myself! :) (with inspiration from google) I forgot to add the 2 long diamond tipped tentacles though.
The crab's pattern is from a 'Soft toys to sew' by Sheila McGraw.
The squid took forever because my sewing machine broke! Argh. So it's 100% hand sewed.
Nicole W. favorited Squid Plush 16 May 17:24
basslady commented on Squid Plush 01 Aug 14:45
eduardomexico.garcia favorited Squid Plush 11 Jul 04:14
Erin W. favorited Squid Plush 27 Oct 21:23
Mai added Squid Plush to plushies 24 Jan 06:16
Alezita G. added Squid Plush to Plushies! :D 07 Jan 07:32
Annie W. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Where is the pattern?

quinn <3
11 projects
this is adorable, i love making stuffies!

1 project
the squid is your first? EVER!?? omg, thats amazing.

Cupcake girl
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
28 projects
Awwwwwwwwww!!!! To cute! Please do a how-to!

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
16 projects
so so cute!