April showers and May flowers can be yours all year long
It started with the pocket. I played with some green and peachy-pink yarn and a couple of stitch patterns and decided I needed to make a bag. The green (grass) is just a simple crumple stitch (alternate single and double crochet with the next row being the opposite stitch [a double in a single and a single in a double]). The peachy-pink row (flowers) is star stitch one row, the next row being half-double stitches to complete the flowers. The blue (sky) row is alternates of 6 single crochet, 6 double, with the next row having the opposite (double in single, single in double). The yellow (sun) is Catherine's Wheels. The handles took a little (lot) of thought. I started by deciding how wide I wanted to start, and working half the Catherine's Wheel pattern to make the tops level, two rows of single crochet, then closed shells, starting with five and decreasing to three clusters. Then, I filled in to make it level (double, 2 half double, single, 2 half double, double etc). Then, for the handle, I did two rows of half double and a row of double until it was about half way, then did the other side and joined the two sides with slip stitches.
For the lining, I got a half-yard of material and sewed up a rectangle to fit in the bag. With the excess material, I made a pocket and sewed it in.
Not really a tutorial, but if you wanted, you could improvise a bag yourself from that, I think. I'm really pleased with the pattern. YY
You Will Need
hColleen posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!